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The Blonde Flamingo Christmas event at Knot Churros

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re having the most magical Christmas!

Last week I have hosted my very first event at Knot Churros in South Kensington. Some of you probably remember my very first visit to Knot Churros this spring. I have fallen in love with this cosy cafe and their incredible pink churros (what a dream). I continued coming back to this place regularly and quickly became friends with Knot Churros team- I honestly feel like at home when I am there. Everyone’s so lovely! And the place itself is SO FLAMINGO! After I published this photo on my Instagram they even decided to use it on the cover of their menu!

When Knot Churros asked me to host a Christmas event with them – their very first Christmas party I was beyond excited and said yes straight away! I have invited my closest friends and been counting the days down.

When I got to the venue on the day of the event I couldn’t believe my eyes…It all looked soooooo magical, like a fairytale! Honestly- I had tears in my eyes. Look how much effort they put into decorating the place for my very first event! I was SO happy!

We had so much fun with my girls! We all absolutely loved the churros. The choice is so big – from classic signature churros with cinnamon or dipped in Belgian white chocolate, glazed with fruit Pebbles. So YUMMY! They also created a very special Christmas Flamingo Shake! It was delicious!

Here’s the full squad! Diana, Ticija, Simone, Taylor, Ana, and Cassie Love these girls so much!

A special thank you to the Knot Churros team for creating such a magical Christmas event, to Miniso UK for the cutest goodie bags, to Diana – a great London based photographer and for snapping these beautiful photos and GurpreetKaur for filming the whole experience. You can watch the full video from the event here. We honestly had the best time! I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity and a bunch of supportive girls! My heart was full! If you ever visit- send them my flamingo love again!

Post in collaboration with Knot Churros