Slightly different post than usual, but I realised I don’t share enough with you (besides my travels) and would love you to get to know me better as a person! Hope you’re survive until the end, haha!
- I LOVE puppies I am literally a freak – all my family and close friends know that. I can play with puppies, touch puppies, talk about puppies, stare at puppies on the street and think of puppies all day long, haha. When I am stressed or in a bad mood- I watch videos of puppies and all my negativity and stress is gone in a second. I also have the names for my puppies chosen already! The only question is when am I going to have one?
- I am addicted to mangos– omg. I swear I can’t survive a day without eating a whole mango by myself. I prefer mangos more than any sweets in the world! I recently found that one shop that sells the sweetest and most juicy mangos I’ve ever had in my life( well maybe except those I had in Zanzibar!) and I go there almost every single day.
- I’ve always wanted to travel the world and move abroad At first, my parents were not very happy about it. They wanted me to finish off University in Poland – as every ‚normal’ person- as my dad called it. But deep inside I knew that following the system is not for me. I also wasn’t even sure what I wanted to study. All I knew was- I want to travel the world. During my last year at high school I was already working on the weekends (while others where partying) and saving money to get all courses and certificates I needed to be able to apply for an animator job abroad. I went for a casting- omg it was insane- I had to dance and sing in front of everyone on a proper stage, but I was one of the 17 people who got offered the job out of over 200. Signing that contact(my first proper job) was the happiest day of my life that time, haha! Imagine I was sitting on a plane to Greece one week after my final exams without even knowing if I passed them or not! The adventure was all I cared about.
- Blogging was always something I wanted to do Of course- 8-9 years ago it wasn’t as popular as it is right now and I didn’t think about it as future, dream job, but I just simply enjoyed it and had this idea in my mind. When I look back, already as a 15,16 years old girl I was going out with girls to take photos, shopping at second shops, doing some DIY, going on little summer trips abroad with my friends and I was sharing all my adventures and outfits on a platform called Stylio. However at 17, I had some personal issues and I’ve given up ( I wish I never have) and stopped working on it. It took me few years to get back to this vision of my life. Moving to London at 19 years old definitely helped me with that- it’s such an inspiring city! Here I started to believe that nothing is impossible.
- London is not my final destination Even though I love this city with all my heart. This is where my „real life” started. This is where all my ideas and dreams were born. This is where I’ve grew up, fallen in love, made friends, started my own business and I think the most important thing- this is where I found myself and started to believe in myself. However somewhere deep inside I belong to the ocean breeze and sunshine. In the near future, I’d love to settle down somewhere more relaxing than busy London (where I run around all the time rather than walk) where I could wear summer dresses all year long, eat fresh seafood for dinner everyday and watch sunsets on the beach every evening. Not sure where that perfect place is yet, but I am not going to lie that Italy is the country that stolen my heart with all its beautiful traditions, delicious food, melodic language( have I ever mentioned I can speak a basic Italian? Don’t mind my bad grammar though!) and warm people and this is the place I am considering as my future home. Could I please have a little villa in Positano and a pink vespa, please?