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Mykonos & Santorini with Rocabella Hotels

Have you ever been dreaming of visiting a place for years but never actually managed to do so? This is my story with Mykonos & Santorini- two islands I’ve always wanted to tick off my bucket list but there was always something blocking me. I even had flights to Santorini booked once and didn’t make it. All that made me crave visiting these destinations even more!

This year I’ve finally made it- what’s more- it was a birthday gift from my boyfriend! Isn’t the most incredible surprise ever?

First island we visited was Mykonos. And I have fallen in love at first sight. Literally… I’ve never seen any place that was SO PERFECT before. All the colours, flowers, boutique restaurants, bars, hotels. I was obsessed with every little street, every cute cafe and every single shop. Just look at it. My memory card became full real quick!

Shirt dress – Dancing Leopard

Jumpsuit – Mister Zimi

Skirt – Mango

Bag- MANANA Jewels

But my birthday getaway wouldn’t be the same without incredible stay at Rocabella Mykonos. I can truly say it was the most beautiful, boutique hotel I’ve ever stay at! It was perfect at every little detail. I loved its minimal chic design and bohemian feel- after I got back I started to redecorate my place, I swear! I highly recommend to stop there even for couple of nights- it’s a real fairytale and escape from everyday life.

After few amazing days in Mykonos we moved to Santorini. The connection between these to islands is actually great! We used Sea Jets ferry and in less than two hours we were already wandering around magical Santorini. We stayed at Rocabella Santorini– what a dream! I couldn’t have imagined a better place to celebrate my birthday!