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Spring in Notting Hill

Hello everyone!

I’m finally back after a little break! Recently I have been feeling a bit down and uninspired so I gave myself some time to rest and recharge the batteries. But spring finally came to London, yayyy! I am finally feeling better! It’s definitely my favourite time of the year here in London. My favourite place to stroll it’s Notting Hill! I love this vibrant, trendy area full of cute coffee shops, restaurants and beautiful boutiques. I also adore all the little streets with all the white-washed houses, currently surrounded by blooming Magnolia trees, ahhh! I went for a photoshoot with my friend Alex and we’ve shot some magical content! Hope you’ll like it!

Pink Knot Front Loungewear set- I saw it first

Sneakers with Leo detail – Renee Girls

Hat – Forever 21 

Shop my fav spring accessories below :

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How to add the magic to your photos- easy photo editing guide

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while! I really missed writing on my blog! I have been very busy with travelling- I have recently been to Thailand ( I will write a separate post about that trip) , London Fashion week and organising upcoming trip to Dubai- can’t wait!

In the meantime I have decided to prepare a second photo editing guide for you as you are always asking me about it ( you can see the first one here) This time I would like to show you my new favourite editing apps that help me to add a little magic to my photos!

1. PicsArt

My number one app at the moment it’s PicsArt. You can honestly do everything with it. There’s plenty of beautiful presets and effects- from fairytale lights, snow, adding hearts, fireworks, stars, galaxy skies and many others! Literally Instagram dream! Here’s some of the examples of my edits with the Pics Art app. The app it’s not free- it costs few pounds a month but I have bought a whole year subscribtion as I really enjoy using it for either Instagram photos or stories.

2. Snowing Pic

Another app I would recommend if you only need the tool to add the snow to your photos (I am mentioning it as I had so many people asking) it’s app called Snowing Pics. It’s totally free and it takes seconds to add the snow. There are different types so you can see which one works best with your shot.

See the example below :

3. Canvas

If you’re looking for a tool to help you out with cute design, there is an app I am honestly loving at the moment- Canvas. I use it for either Instagram stories or boards for my Pinterest. Great news- it’s awesome and it’s free of charge! There are some extras you may need to pay for but I promise it’s worth it, however basic option is honestly enough. You can design so many incredible things using it – logos, flyers, posters, invitations, blog and Pinterest graphics, recipe cards and many more. I am honestly loving it and still exploring how to use it!

Here’s few examples :

4. Facetune 2

Almost forgot to mention the app I am using frequently- Facetune 2. This is the app I am using to make my skin look smother and to make my photos more “glossy” I use the tool called glow on all my photos.

5. Unfold

I have already mentioned this app here but I continue using Unfold app as I am loving it for the Instagram stories! I don’t know if you’ve seen but they have added a new Valentine’s / love theme now and it’s been working so well and made the stories way more interesting! If you haven’t got this app yet you should definitely invest few pounds a month! It’s honestly a game- changer!

Here’s some examples :

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little editing guide! Let me know what are you favourite editing tools!

The Blonde Flamingo

5 apps you should get to improve your Instagram profile

Hi guys!

I hope you’re having a fabulous week so far! Today I’d like to share something you’ve been constantly asking me about- how do I edit my photos, what apps do I use to create beautiful designs for Instagram stories and how to create that perfect looking Instagram feed. I hope my tips will help you move your Instagram to a different level!

First of all, as many of you ask- I don’t use presets. I edit each photo separately, sometimes for an hour or two to make sure it’s flamingo perfect, haha! The first main tool I am using to edit my photos is Photoshop. I promise, learning the few basic things is life-changing. I have never thought I could create a magic like that! I was lucky at my previous job to have our incredibly talented Global Head of Social Media showing me how to use it. The way I’ve learnt the basis was watching Sarah editing. Firstly it was very overwhelming and kind of scary as it was so many steps, but after watching the same steps few times it became easier and after practising for months it became doable! I still have a lot to learn but happy with what I already can do! What I would recommend is to watch the YouTube tutorials. It may seem very confusing at first but I promise- give it some time and you’ll get it! You can get Photoshop here

However after editing my photo in Photoshop the actual editing is not over yet! After Photoshop I am moving my image from the computer into my mobile and continue editing using my favourite mobile apps.

Lightroom I am sure you’ve heard about this editing tool already, if not- please get it. It’s free of charge to use on Smartphones and even without knowing Photoshop you can create beautiful edits. I mainly use this app for creating these perfectly coordinated colours. This is where I am trying to bring the blues, yellows, whites and pinks (my dominating colours) on all my photos to the same shades. Sometimes I create 20 versions of the same photo with different colour shades to find that perfect one!


How do I see if the photos look good all together on the feed? Here’s my secret :

UNUM This app helps you to create the perfect looking feed. You can basically put all your edited images into the app and move them around the way everything looks great together. If the colours don’t seem to match that well, I continue editing the colours using Lightroom until it’s all perfectly coordinated. The app is linked to your Instagram account so after adding the photos to it and putting them nicely together, you can also add the captions and hashtags, save them and then be posting the photos directly to your Instagram account. Another great thing about UNUM is also the analytics which show you when your followers are the most active so the app actually tells you when it’s the best day and hour to post and also what’s your best hashtags. If you’re running few Instagram accounts you should also know that you can log in up to 5 accounts to the app- it was saving me at my previous job. I had all the content scheduled for all my brands in one place. I highly recommend it!

Unfold This app is my quite recent and absolutely favourite discovery. This is where I create all the beautiful designs for my Instagram stories. The choice is great and honestly I love playing around with it. You can be editing both- photos and videos. I promise you can do the magic! The app costs few pounds and it’s so worth it. The new features and frames are added very often to make sure you never get bored. You can choose from many beautiful frames, fonts and colours. Here’s few examples :


HypeType another awesome app for improving your Instagram stories. The best feature is adding the music to them. It definitely makes the stories more fun, engaging and it makes people wanna watch them! You can also purchase many original fonts.


Quickshot – this app is insane. I discovered it thanks to Elajza and I am forever grateful. You know this feeling when you look at the sky and it looks just so perfect and blue but after taking the photo it doesn’t look that wow? Or what happens a lot to me as I take most of my photos with iPhone 8 plus- the blue sky in the strong sunlight looks very kind of dark and stormy on the photos. This is when you need Quickshoot. You can “swap” the sky in just few seconds. You can now have your perfect blue skies, magical pinky sunsets and even the stars, haha! Create your own magic!

I hope you’ll find these apps useful and you’ll love them as I do! Let me know!


The Blonde Flamingo