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Mexico Travel Guide- my recommendations for adventure lovers

Finally back to blogging! Yay! Sorry I was absent for a over a week now! This month has started with crazy amount of work- so many campaigns, photoshoots, and trips- I have been all over the place! But I am currently sitting in Fuerteventura in the cutest little bar by the sea and I decided to take a little break with my current work and finally write the Mexico guide for you.

As you already know from my previous blogpost during our Mexico trip we’ve spent most of the time in Tulum, however as the beach full of seaweed was a struggle, we did go around and explored the most magical beaches and places that I would love to share with you.

Puerto Aventuras

This place was recommended to us by locals who promised it’s worth driving to as there’s no seaweed on the beach. Puerto Aventuras was more of residential complex- restaurants, bars, tennis courts, golf courses two big marinas and beautiful sandy beaches. At the gate ( this place has the entrance like a regular resort) the security stopped us and ask if we’re staying there but we say we’d like to come for a lunch to the beach restaurant and they let us in without any problem. They have mentioned something about the minimum spent but we assured it’s not a problem at all. We did spend the entire afternoon on the private beach- so beautiful and clean compare to Tulum. There was a little bit of seaweed but on the shore rather than everywhere in the water so it was no problem at all to us. The beach was stunning. Also there’s a big choice of bars and restaurant. We’ve had a really nice Italian lunch there ( I really missed pasta after eating tacos and burritos for days haha!) I think if you’re looking for a beach not far from Tulum, Puerto Aventuras is a great option as it’s only around 40 mins drive. It wasn’t super crowded either ( we visited in mid May). Here’s some photos from this incredible place :


Another place recommended to us by locals- Bacalar- a small town in southeastern Mexico. It’s on a Lake Bacalar, also called Laguna De Los Sietes Colores – lagoon of seven colours. When we got there we understood why. The shades of blues were absolutely incredible. No wonder why this place is called the Maldives of Mexico! What’s also very special about this lagoon is high conceration of rare rock formations that are among the earliest life forms on earth. However sadly, I have been reading that Bacalar’s recent tourism’s growth is a real threat to both- lagoon and the stromatolites. Tourists are advised to only use organic sunscreens when swimming, avoid single-use plastics and use kayaks rather than motorboats .What you need to know aswell before travelling here is that there’s no beach. Most of the people are tanning on the long wooden docks. I found it super fun! Well, I have spent more time on the swings in the water anyway, haha!

Cenote de Los Ojos

Ok so you can’t leave Mexico without visiting cenotes! Our time was quite limited as we’ve spent 2 days super sick from the food poisoning but we made it our priority to visit at least one cenote before flying back home. Cenote de Los Ojos was a perfect choice as it wasn’t far from where we were staying in Tulum. The ticket price was about £18 per person ( they offer different options at the desk but as our time was limited we went for snokerling and swimming option in two cenotes without the guide). It was honestly one of the most magical experiences of my life, even though the water was soooo cold. It took me like 15 mins to make a decision if I can survive this cold or not- I really hate the cold water but seeing this beautiful cave, hearing the sounds of the bats and being there completely on our own was just an insane experience I will never ever forget! You should definitely visit when in Tulum. I know there’s plenty of choice in cenotes but I could truly recommend Dos Ojos. PS. Excuse these weird poses but this is how I seriously look when I swim hahaha! I did not shoot a typical blogger content here with flowy dresses. I wanted to really enjoy this place and admire the nature around me rather than run around with a camera!

Las Coloradas

And my favourite part of the whole guide- Las Coloradas. This place was the main reason I wanted to visit Mexico- of course I am talking about the pink lake and possibility of seeing the flamingos! I’ve read so many blog posts about this place before and honestly they didn’t really make me feel like it’s worth going. But my heart was telling me I have to see it with my own eyes. You know the famous quote „ Don’t listen to what they say, go see?” Well, here I go! Las Coloradas town was about 4 hours drive from Tulum one way. Was it worth it? O M G yes! First thing I saw was a sign with flamingos- this is where I knew I am going the right direction.

When we got to Las Coloradas Town I couldn’t believe my eyes! It was a real flamigo town!

Of course I fall in love with this place straight away! Then we’ve headed to see the pink lake first. Was it pink? HELL YES. And it had a magical purple reflection from the blue sky! I had a tears in my eyes already. But I didn’t know what I am going to see half an hour later. After we’ve seen the town and the pink lake we continued driving along the coast. It was so wild, empty and beautiful. We’ve literally passed one car on our way- that’s it. We’ve had a pink lake on one side of the road and the baby blue ocean and white sandy beach on another. It was just incredible. And then suddenly – I have spotted a flamingo. I cried. Got off the car and cried. I start running towards him without even realising I was running on the mud rather than a sand so I went into the mud and lost my shoes haha. But I didn’t care. I was speechless. Seeing a flamingo in its natural environment was my biggest dream. I was so emotional and said „thank you” to my boyfriend milion times who drove me all the way there despite still feeling ill. I wish to say that was it, but it wasn’t. I got back to the car and few minutes later my boyfriend pointed something out of the car’s window. I couldn’t deal. I was screaming, shouting and crying. It was a flamingo float. I have seen hundreds of flamingos. I just couldnt deal! Those of you who follow me on Instagram probably remember the Instagram story of me screaming and crying haha. Ok that was the most beautiful day of my life. I felt like I walked into a National Geograpic movie set! Seeing flamingos and enjoying the little flamingo town was my favourite experiences in Mexico. Some people written on their blogs there’s nothing to do in Las Coloradas, but in my opinion it depends what you’re looking for. As a busy Londonder what I truly need and look for is the contact with nature, pureness, wildness, authentic experiences and this place had it all. Two little local restaurants, tiny grocery store with the sweetest Mexican grandma, the most beautiful local beach- it was only us and local fisherman! I mean what else do you need? To me it was all I could ask for and the most beautiful day of my trip! As I lost my shoes there I truly believe I will be back one day!

I hope that this little guide will inspire you to visit these places! Mexico is not just Tulum and Playa Del Carmen. There’s so much beauty in this country and I honestly hope I will have an opportunity to explore more in the future!

Let me know if you have any questions about these places!


The Blonde Flamingo