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How to add the magic to your photos- easy photo editing guide

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while! I really missed writing on my blog! I have been very busy with travelling- I have recently been to Thailand ( I will write a separate post about that trip) , London Fashion week and organising upcoming trip to Dubai- can’t wait!

In the meantime I have decided to prepare a second photo editing guide for you as you are always asking me about it ( you can see the first one here) This time I would like to show you my new favourite editing apps that help me to add a little magic to my photos!

1. PicsArt

My number one app at the moment it’s PicsArt. You can honestly do everything with it. There’s plenty of beautiful presets and effects- from fairytale lights, snow, adding hearts, fireworks, stars, galaxy skies and many others! Literally Instagram dream! Here’s some of the examples of my edits with the Pics Art app. The app it’s not free- it costs few pounds a month but I have bought a whole year subscribtion as I really enjoy using it for either Instagram photos or stories.

2. Snowing Pic

Another app I would recommend if you only need the tool to add the snow to your photos (I am mentioning it as I had so many people asking) it’s app called Snowing Pics. It’s totally free and it takes seconds to add the snow. There are different types so you can see which one works best with your shot.

See the example below :

3. Canvas

If you’re looking for a tool to help you out with cute design, there is an app I am honestly loving at the moment- Canvas. I use it for either Instagram stories or boards for my Pinterest. Great news- it’s awesome and it’s free of charge! There are some extras you may need to pay for but I promise it’s worth it, however basic option is honestly enough. You can design so many incredible things using it – logos, flyers, posters, invitations, blog and Pinterest graphics, recipe cards and many more. I am honestly loving it and still exploring how to use it!

Here’s few examples :

4. Facetune 2

Almost forgot to mention the app I am using frequently- Facetune 2. This is the app I am using to make my skin look smother and to make my photos more “glossy” I use the tool called glow on all my photos.

5. Unfold

I have already mentioned this app here but I continue using Unfold app as I am loving it for the Instagram stories! I don’t know if you’ve seen but they have added a new Valentine’s / love theme now and it’s been working so well and made the stories way more interesting! If you haven’t got this app yet you should definitely invest few pounds a month! It’s honestly a game- changer!

Here’s some examples :

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little editing guide! Let me know what are you favourite editing tools!

The Blonde Flamingo

Thank you, 2018- The Blonde Flamingo

Can’t believe this year is coming to an end. It has literally flown! I thought it would be a great to sum it up a little. It’s been a HUGE and very challenging year for me and it’s hard not to get emotional.

I honestly don’t know where to start and how to describe this year. But surely 2018 was a year of huge growth- and no, I am not talking about the growth of my blog or Instagram followers here but growing as a person. It was a year of very difficult decisions and hard choices, year of probably the biggest amount of stress but also the year of a huge progress, big changes (that I would have never ever predicted) and big dreams coming true.

As you probably remember 2018 started in the most blissful way for me- I have celebrated NYE and spent the first week of a January 2018 in so far- my favourite place on Earth ( next to the Seychelles!) – The Maldives. Stay there truly helped me to recharge the batteries and inspired me so much. I started the year with a new super positive energy that definitely helped me to push forward. 

Together with Siobhan from They.Wanderlust

February has been a very busy month for me as it’s a Fashion Week month. I have been working a lot, attending shows, events and working on various campaigns and creating lots of content. I have spent the entire month working in London.

March was also a crazy month and my last one working full-time 9-5 as a Social Media and Marketing Coordinator ( but in March obviously I had no idea what was going to happen after!) This month I also met someone I have been following since I was a teenager- Eliza from Fashionelka.pl and she was so kind and so inspiring. It was so funny but after we’ve met I had a feeling like I always knew her. Eliza really gave me a kick that was needed! We’ve stayed friends and kept seeing each other during the year. It was really one of the highlights of 2018 for me. It’s a miracle to be surrounded and supported by a person like Eliza and I am forever grateful that we connected.

In April, together with a first bloom of flowers I felt like my business started to bloom too. This is when all the invites for my first press trips started to go through my emails and I was feeling very overwhelmed as I still had a full-time job. It started to get harder and harder to do both- work full-time and run my business. Also this month I had a phone call that nobody ever wishes to receive- my dear Grandma was dying. It was heartbreaking. Few hours after I was already sitting on the plane back to Poland to see her. I made it on time to say bye to my beloved Grandma who showed me the world and gave me so much love and care. I couldn’t put myself together after she passed away. She died in the most horrible way and it was all happening on my eyes and I just can’t get it off my head (even now). But I had to let go…

I came back home to London feeling so bad. Stressed, scared, exhausted. I’ve felt like I couldn’t push forward after loosing her. I started to think to cancel all the upcoming press trips but my mum said grandma would be so sad if I would do that and encouraged me to continue doing what I love so she could see that. I was still a bit off at work but thankfully the director of the company I worked for for was very helpful and he allowed me to do my job remotely after I explained what happened and what business I am running on the side ( I was so afraid to tell him!). I will never forget his words „ You go go go go! You need to take every opportunity now”. That opened many doors for me as I was finally able to accept the invitations, travel the world and build my Social Media presence. and by travel I mean TRAVEL A LOT, TRAVEL ALL THE TIME! I have started with a first Press Trip to Mykonos with Rocabella Hotel- one of my favourite places in Europe. Mykonos always gives me energy and inspiration. I hope I will have a chance to visit in 2019 too.

May is always my happiest month as it’s my birthday month! It started with another incredible press trip to Turkey with Hillside Beach Club where I got to meet many inspiring Influencers from all over the world and celebrate my birthday!

This trip was followed by another insane Press Trip to Mykonos ( how lucky to be there twice this year!) with my favourite Polish Brand Renee Girls ( this year we’ve also celebrated a year of working together!) and this trip was a very special one as I got to be a part of their summer campaign( my first ever Magazine Shoot and Filming! It was so scary but so incredible! I had to get out my comfort zone and break many barriers but I ended up feeling more confident, more comfortable in front of the camera and I was feeling proud of myself! I also loved the results of our work. You can see it here.

June was the most extreme month for me. This month I travelled non- stop. From a trip with my best friends to Marrakesh, through the Italian Road trip with Hertz Europe ending up in the place I have been dreaming to visit forever- Kenya – one of the most incredible experiences in 2018 – Luxury Safari with Fairmont Hotels – still can’t believe I have been there! Here I also met someone that I truly admire and I am so grateful this trip brought us together. Meeting Bonnie from TheStyleTraveller.com was one of the highlights of this year too. After these trips the amount of work was simply insane and I was super busy, jet-lagged and always stressed ( I was still working as Social Media Coordinator at Soho House while travelling to all these places!) Kenya opened my eyes and helped me to realise what really makes me happy. With that saying, after Kenya I have decided to GO for it, to live my dream full-time and I handed my notice in. I have finished working for Soho House on the 30.06.2018. That was a HUGE change in my life. Today I know it was a right decision.

July started with a well-deserved holiday. I have headed to Fuerteventura to visit my childhood bestie Marta from Martabrezo.com and we’ve spent the most wonderful 2 weeks chilling, exploring the island, dancing, singing, surfing ( well she was, haha!) It was truly one of the most favourite times of this year for me. I slowed down, recharged and got myself ready for running my business full-time. I came back new-born that really helped our relationship with Salvo- because of all the stress I was facing it was extremely hard 6 months for our relationship. I struggled to find the balance, I became a real workaholic- not a loving and supportive girlfriend I used to be. Trip with Marta helped me to relax a bit, forget about the most difficult months and start off fresh.

I got back to London in the Mid July and yet, my bofriend made my biggest dream come true- we’ve booked a trip to Aruba to see flamingos ( crying writing this as it was honestly my biggest dream!) 4 days later we were on the plane, holding hands and we felt closer than ever before. It was honestly such a wonderful trip. I started to learn the balance – I was still working and creating content for you but at the same time I gave myself time to tan, relax and enjoy time as a NORMAL couple on holidays without recording every single thing. We promised each other to take more trips like that! Travelling only for work is not always easy!

In August I have decided to spent time with my family, as through the year I really struggled to find the time to go home. I also felt like my mum needs me after grandma passed away. I spent almost 3 weeks of August with my mum and brother- firstly in Poland and then in Crete, Greece. It became a little tradition to explore a new place every year with my mum ( last year we celebrated her birthday in Mallorca). We truly loved our little trip together. It was actually the gift from my mum for my 25th birthday so it was very special. I hope we will travel together again in 2019!

September started with a big BOOM. Again a Fashion Week month! This time I haven’t only attended London Fashion Week but I was also invited to attend a couple of shows in Paris! It was honestly incredible. I have seen so many beautiful shows, attended many fabulous events, connected with lots of inspiring boss babes I have been always following on Instagram but never met in real life so it was so nice to finally meet and enjoy this busy time together!

What a dream, Paris Fashion Week, wow wow wow! I was really blessed to head there with my friends – Klaudia and Aleksander who took the most magical photos for us! If you ever need photographer you should definitely hire Alex! He does the magic!

This month I have also flew to Ibiza for a big press trip with Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza to celebrate the opening of Hard Rock Hotel in London in spring 2019. Really looking forward to it! It was such a fun trip full of parties, beach clubs, incredible dining and night out experiences. I have stayed at places I could never wish for! It was INSANE!

20.09.2018 was also a big day for us as we have moved to the new beautiful apartment in London (after MONTHS of constant search for THAT dream place). It was a huge success and happiness for me and Salvo. We’re slowly working on it but we’re already grateful and happy for a bigger homie! I finally have my dream The Blonde Flamingo office, yay! What a big dream coming true for me! Finally have my little space to create for you.

October started with an insane invitation to Grenada from Grenada Tourism Board- goals! I was crying from happiness! I couldn’t be more excited to explore another incredible Caribbean island and let’s be honest- escape the horrible London’s weather, haha! This trip gave me so much energy, we had a great Influencer team on Board – Taylor, Scott and Dave– we honestly had so much fun together! I hope we will travel together again in 2019!

November brought 2 fantastic Press trips that I am forever grateful for! I have headed with Pink Lady Apples to Avignon and also to the House of Laurent Perrier with Laurent Perrier ( I couldn’t believe my eyes when these invites came through my email) I had the best time learning about these incredible brands while being surrounded by the most talented and inspiring UK Influencers ( It was my fourth press trip with Bonnie, how lucky we were to travel together so much this year? I couldn’t be happier)

December was another busy month. I have created lots of Christmas content in London, I have travelled to beautiful Zakopane, Poland with Klaudia that brought many childhood memories. It was so magical to experience snow and the mountains after so many years! I have finished off the month with a amazing Press trip to Trentino – I have been snowboarding after 6 years break. It was a little bit challenging but oh wow, how beautiful! I really, really missed it and I want to do more snowboarding this winter for sure.

From Trentino I got on the plane to Naples, Italy where I’ve spent Christmas with my boyfriend’s family. It was so lovely. My family back home in Poland is quite small so it was so nice to experience the big Italian Christmas ( still thinking of all the food haha!) I was surrounded by so much love I can’t put in words. I am actually sad now to be back in London. I wish we could have stayed longer! Also the weather was so beautiful! ( how lucky they are for a 18 degrees and sun in December!?) We’ve spent the time relaxing, eating ( all the seafood OMG), I have also brought one of my favourite things we do in Poland and I was teaching Salvo’s cousins how to make gingerbread cookies! They had so much fun, my heart was melting! We’ve also had strolls and breakfasts by the beach, we even found time to visit my favourite beach club. Ahhh, such a wonderful time!

These two gave me so much love this Christmas!

As you can see this year was huge for me. I had to break it down by months and it actually helped me to really see the growth and the progress. It was one of the busiest, most stressful year of my life but after visiting all these incredible destinations, meeting so many inspiring people, growing my company, learning and experiencing so many incredible things I think all the stress and hard work was worth it and I feel ready to push even more in 2019. Thank you so much for all the support you gave me this year. All this would never ever happen without YOU. Thank you so much for being here! Promise more content, more travels and more inspirations in 2019.

Don’t ever be afraid to chase your dreams! They are waiting for you.

Here’s your favourite TOP 9 posts from my Instagram in 2018! Over half milion likes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am now getting ready for chasing more dreams and more flamingos in 2019!


Love you all,

Dominika, The Blonde Flamingo

Top 5 places you should visit to get into the festive mood in London

Hi everyone!

As Christmas is slowly approaching (actually pretty fast, haha!) I have decided to write a blogpost and showcase my favourite places in London (where I’ve been living for 6 years now and nope- I am not bored at all, it actually gets more and more exciting here year by year!) I have done a similar post last year but I have discovered new places and wanted to share them with you too!

Churchill Bar at Hyatt Regency London

I have discovered this place last year and the first word that came to my mind to describe it was “oasis”. It’s a perfect escape from London’s noise and crowds. When I first walked in, I fallen in love at first sight. The decor is just stunning and really cosy –  a roaring fire, faux fur throws, pine trees and lanterns. Simply magical. If you’re looking for a perfect winter scenery and the most incredible cocktails- Churchill Bar is a place you should visit! Also, if you love sweets, I highly recommend trying their chocolate fondue – OH MY, will never forget this flavour! Not going to lie, it looks fabulous too!

Skirt- Mamai Boutique

Sweater – Mamai Boutique


Annabel’s Mayfair

It’s one of the most stunning places I have ever been to! Annabel’s a private club located at 46 Berkeley Street, Mayfair. Until very recently I’ve only heard stories about this place but this last month I was very lucky to be invited for an event there. I can’t even explain the feeling you have when you walk in. Everything is just out of this world! The decor is absolutely gorgeous. My favourite is garden restaurant inspired by the quintessential English Garden. It’s just magical! Also, this time of the year, Annabel’s put up the most incredible Christmas decoration at the entrance. I don’t think London ever seen such a stunning installation before! PS. Don’t be surprised when you get there at 9am and there’s already a line of bloggers with suitcases shooting their outfits, haha. But I mean, how could we possibly miss THIS shot?

Boots- Renee

Faux Fur Coat- Renee

Polo-neck jumper – H&M

Gloves – Primark 

Ivy Chelsea Garden

That has to be my favourite restaurant not just at Christmas but all year long. But this winter, they got their Christmas decoration to even higher level. Isn’t just the cutest little Gingerbread House? I literally died from excitement when I first saw it! Also, there’s a little box there where you can grab a Christmas candy cane! I just couldn’t resist, ha! Food recommendation- I usually go there for brunch and order avocado on toast with pomegranate seeds! So so good!


I have visited this place couple of times already and I think what I love it for the most is their stunning Afternoon Tea at the Gallery. But they’re also famous for their incredible decorations. I passed by recently and when how gorgeous the entrance is I couldn’t resist taking a photo with it!


Covent Garden

This place always get me in a festive mood. I love strolling around with a cup of mulled wine, especially in the evening, ahh! Covent Garden also has all my favourite stores so I love buying Christmas presents there rather than with the entire crazy crowd on Oxford Street! Every season they change the decor and I swear I am in love with every single display. It’s so hard to decide which one was my favourite. Take a peek on how does it look this year! Isn’t gorgeous? Gotta be the biggest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen!


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I still have few places on my list tot tick off so hopefully I will add more spots for you soon!

What’s your favourite?


The Blonde Flamingo


My fashion wishlist for winter

Hi everyone!

As winter is slowly approaching ( and I am actually very excited even though you know already how much I love all the tropical places) I have started to crave a little winter shopping to get myself ready for the season. There’s top 5 things on my list at the moment that I absolutely must get!


1.Teddy coat

Long, warm and cosy. I own one already from Miss Selfridges and I am loving it but I feel like I need another one slightly longer for the colder days. Here’s what I am currently looking at! Can’t decide between getting a brown one or a nude/ cream colour. What would you go for?


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2.  Cosy turtleneck sweater

Probably my most favourite thing to wear in the winter. With a cosy, warm scarf, tights and high-waisted shorts,  jeans and over-the-knee boots. So warm, comfortable, easy to wear really and with the right accessories they can be very elegant too! I am hunting for the cream, nude or grey one. Here’s some of my favs


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3. Wide-brim hat

As you know already- I adore hats ( I even have one in my logo!)  I own so many beautiful summer, straw hats in all kind of shapes and colours- I bring one from every tropical place I go to. However I’ve never had a winter style hat and this is what I am really dreaming of right now! I have been crazy obsessed with the one from Lack of Color but I also found few other options and honestly it’s so hard to choose and I just want them all, ha!


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4. Over the knee boots

As you have probably seen on my Instagram – I love wearing over the knee boots. I own 2 pairs at the moment but every year I go for affordable ones, which normally last maximum a season or two. This year I am considering to invest in a pair of Stuart Weitzman. I am between classic black or the grey ones.


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5.  Cosy scarf

Something I never go out without in the winter. I have recently treated myself to my dream logo mania Pearl Grey scarf from LV  that I have been dreaming of for ages ( you can see it on the image at the top) but I am also thinking of getting one more scarf this season. I am loving Acne Studio ones! I am thinking to get one in either nude, beige or grey colour.


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What have you got on your winter Wishlist?

The Blonde Flamingo

6 years in London

It’s been 6 years!

6 years since I decided to leave everything behind and move to London. Why am I writting about it? Yesterday I attended Mary Kay event to celebrate the Beauty of Confidence. Part of the event was the coaching session with the International Life Coach Liz Wilde who asked us few questions. One of them really got me emotional. We were ask to write down 3 things we’re the most proud of. For me the top one was the decision to pack my pink suitcase and move to London on my own at the age of 19. Second part of the exercise was to close our eyes and play the movie of this moment. I got so into this session and literally this entire period of the past 6 years came through my head.  My pink suitcase that got broken at the airport, my crying mum who wasn’t ready to let me go, the moment of saying bye to my little brother, my friends, my pink bedroom, my comfort zone. I saw all the struggle- finding the first job, struggle with money, with finding real friends. The first crappy job that I literally don’t want to remember but now I know it all happened for a reason and it was meant to be a part of this journey. I then remembered the most painful break up with my first love, feeling lonely and lost in London. I remembered the ridiculously small room I was renting. I remembered falling in love again. I remembered the moment I decided to quit the job I hated and move forward with my career. I remembered moving the flats every single year and first visit of my family. I had all these flashes of my first blogpost and first 100 of followers on my Instagram. I remembered the first blogger event and first people I’ve met in the industry who inspired me and helped me to believe in myself and spread my wings. I remembered my first written interview and very recent moment ( that now honestly feels so far away as I had too much going on these months!) of leaving my full time Social Media job and moving blogging full-time. All these moments kept flashing in my head, I am not gonna lie I had tears falling like crazy! These were the hardest and most challenging years in my life. But do you know what? If I had to do it all again, I would. 6 years ago when I moved here, I had a vision of what I have today but I never really knew if this dream will come true. But I listened to the voice of my heart and never took anything for granted. I pushed, I worked hard, and I won’t stop. Some people say I am lucky, but I don’t agree. Nothing ever came easy in my life. It was all hard work, dedication and not listening to people who told me to stop or to “be normal”. Maybe you’re not where you’d like to be today, but continue pushing for what you really want in life and don’t stop even when others tell you it makes no sense! We live in such a beautiful world full of opportunities and there’s enough space for everyone out here! All we need is the confidence, vision and the power to fight for our dreams.

During the event I also written down one very important quote. “Love starts with loving yourself”. I couldn’t agree more. This is where you need to start. Thank you Mary Kay for having me at this wonderful event. I will keep reading the notes I’ve taken in the moments of self-doubt.

What are you the most proud of?

The Blonde Flamingo