Cleaning counts as a workout
I must say I was feeling quite guilty for eating so much these last few weeks. I was just not in the mood to do work outs and jump around, but hey! What I realised recently is- cleaning the house is also a workout! I became soooo quick and strong at cleaning the house after Salvo’s cooking that I honestly deserve a gold medal- I couldn’t be more active right now, haha! So to all my ladies out there feeling guilty- check out your muscles after washing tones of plates, cleaning the whole house everyday and running around with your kids 24/7! See? It’s a new level of fit! Quarantine fit!
Family and home is everything
I mean it seems pretty much logical. But do we really appreciate it everyday as much as we do right now? Personally I think- not really. Normally my London’s home is like a hotel to me. I travel in and out. Pack and unpack. I am never around really and frankly this home was never as important to me as it is right now. I am now grateful I have my space, my office, my boho corners and a large bath to chill at. I appreciate my large sunny kitchen where we cook everyday with so much joy and sun rays. I appreaciate our huge comfy sofa where I can snuggle up with a rad candle and a warm cup of my favourite tea. I didn’t appreaciate small things like these before!
And of course my family- of course I always appreciate them and miss them, but now knowing I can’t go home and not knowing when I will see them again kills me and makes me think of them every single day and all the time. I spent days browsing our photos and planning where we will go when this is all over. The lockdown made me realise this is all that matters and this is the only solid thing in our lives that we should look after every single day. Not the money and job- now we see it’s soooo easy to lose. It’s a warm home and loving family that helps you to get through everything and pushes you forward.
Improving my food photography skills
As our recipe account started to honestly grows so quick (thank you so much for your support and such a positive response to our new project. We are over the moon!) I started to improve my food photography skills. As you know, in the past (almost 2 years ago now- wow time flies!) I was working at Soho House as a Social Media Coordinator and I was managing quite a few restaurant’s accounts and creating food related content. I now had a pretty long break, but last few weeks made me realise I have really missed it and I still really enjoy it so I keep experimenting with new props, backgrounds, colours and angles everyday! Here’s some of my recent snaps and Salvo’s incredible creations. Follow him for the most amazing recipes!
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Nothing cheers me up more than good food
As you know last few weeks I wasn’t feeling great (sorry for being a crying baby!) but I swear every time Salvo’s brought me his dish (and a chilled glass of Rosé with a strawberry) my worries seemed to disappear for a moment! I truly enjoy delicious food and drinks and all things fancy! His incredible dishes help me so much to get through this difficult time and put a smile on my face!
Working with what I have
Let’s be honest. Normally as a full-time travel blogger I get to experience and stay at the most incredible places to create the content. Brands and hotels are always putting so much effort to put together the most magical itineraries, events and set ups for us bloggers to create content. But now the situation is completely different. There is no pretty hotel bathrooms and pink flower displays. There is no fancy flower baths (unless you create one at home!) infinity pools and afternoon teas. Now we need to learn how to work with what we have. It’s not easy at all but I must say after these few weeks of experimenting- it’s super challenging but very interesting. It makes me happy to see people getting more creative and working with what they have at home. I have struggled a lot but hey- slowly getting there and getting new ideas everyday. Here’s my fav snap shot in my hallway!

Peachy blanket and cushion from Peachy Parrot. I absolutely love this brand! My new discovery! Their products honestly added sunshine to this corner of my home. I highly recommend to check out their gorgeous accessories.
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What I am sure is – the current situation makes you grow. Not only with creating content but also as a person. We learn to adapt to completely new reality, we became mentally stronger and more supportive. I love that and I think my industry and this world truly needed this!
Have you learnt or realised something during the lockdown?
The Blonde Flamingo