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6 years in London

It’s been 6 years!

6 years since I decided to leave everything behind and move to London. Why am I writting about it? Yesterday I attended Mary Kay event to celebrate the Beauty of Confidence. Part of the event was the coaching session with the International Life Coach Liz Wilde who asked us few questions. One of them really got me emotional. We were ask to write down 3 things we’re the most proud of. For me the top one was the decision to pack my pink suitcase and move to London on my own at the age of 19. Second part of the exercise was to close our eyes and play the movie of this moment. I got so into this session and literally this entire period of the past 6 years came through my head.  My pink suitcase that got broken at the airport, my crying mum who wasn’t ready to let me go, the moment of saying bye to my little brother, my friends, my pink bedroom, my comfort zone. I saw all the struggle- finding the first job, struggle with money, with finding real friends. The first crappy job that I literally don’t want to remember but now I know it all happened for a reason and it was meant to be a part of this journey. I then remembered the most painful break up with my first love, feeling lonely and lost in London. I remembered the ridiculously small room I was renting. I remembered falling in love again. I remembered the moment I decided to quit the job I hated and move forward with my career. I remembered moving the flats every single year and first visit of my family. I had all these flashes of my first blogpost and first 100 of followers on my Instagram. I remembered the first blogger event and first people I’ve met in the industry who inspired me and helped me to believe in myself and spread my wings. I remembered my first written interview and very recent moment ( that now honestly feels so far away as I had too much going on these months!) of leaving my full time Social Media job and moving blogging full-time. All these moments kept flashing in my head, I am not gonna lie I had tears falling like crazy! These were the hardest and most challenging years in my life. But do you know what? If I had to do it all again, I would. 6 years ago when I moved here, I had a vision of what I have today but I never really knew if this dream will come true. But I listened to the voice of my heart and never took anything for granted. I pushed, I worked hard, and I won’t stop. Some people say I am lucky, but I don’t agree. Nothing ever came easy in my life. It was all hard work, dedication and not listening to people who told me to stop or to “be normal”. Maybe you’re not where you’d like to be today, but continue pushing for what you really want in life and don’t stop even when others tell you it makes no sense! We live in such a beautiful world full of opportunities and there’s enough space for everyone out here! All we need is the confidence, vision and the power to fight for our dreams.

During the event I also written down one very important quote. “Love starts with loving yourself”. I couldn’t agree more. This is where you need to start. Thank you Mary Kay for having me at this wonderful event. I will keep reading the notes I’ve taken in the moments of self-doubt.

What are you the most proud of?

The Blonde Flamingo
