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How I turned my love to travel into a full time job

It’s been 2 years. Maybe a little bit more however I am counting it as 2 years as exactly 2 years ago in August I was invited to my first blogger event hosted by We Are Travel Girls. This event and meeting so many incredible girls from all over the world seriously motivated, inspired and gave me the faith to believe in my dream career. But let’s start from the beginning as I never shared it with you.

Crochet dress by Uli Herzner

How did I get to where I am? Well, first of all- my love to travel. Since I can remember I’ve always loved travelling and exploring. Already as a teenager I would spent all my little savings for a weekend trip abroad with school friends. In high school I was involved in organising student exchanges and this is how I slowly started to see the world and fall in love with it. During my last semester at high school I have decided that after the final exams I am going to work abroad all summer before starting off the University. The only question was WHAT JOB. I was 19 with zero experience. What I had in mind was simple- abroad, sunshine and money to be just fine. So here I came with a crazy idea- I have decided to do an animator course. You know these crazy people dancing zumba, playing with the kids, organising streching, aqua aerobic and generally entertaining everyone in the hotel? Yup, that was my dream job 6 years ago! So I did finish the course, got all the certificates and the last part was the casting. It was terryfing! I mean if I think of it now I am pretty amazed how brave and stubborn I was at such a young age! Well, I did get the job! I have signed my first contract and got hired by a hotel in Kos Island, Greece. Not to get too much into details ( but I really wanted you to know this story as it was such an important period in my life!) I’ve had the most incredible summer, met people from all over the world, fallen in love with Greece, languages, beautiful sunny weather and this was the place where I’ve taken my first photos and already started to think of having a blog where I could share these magical moments and captures with the world.

Here’s few images! Found them on Facebook haha! 19 year old The Blonde Flamingo

After the most magical summer in Greece I came back to Poland where I’ve started the University. Ok, let me be absolutely honest with you- I HATED IT and lasted around 2 weeks. I felt like I am literally from a different planet. I was a happy sunshine person in grey rainy country and people who mainly went to uni because parents told them to. I was trying to push myself so hard, but one day I came back home crying and told myself „ NOPE, not doing it! Life’s too short”. I couldn’t imagine myself being there and following a well-known system- uni, finding the boyfriend, getting married and having kids. I wanted to LIVE and see the world. My parents were obviously shocked and I am sure- dissapointed however I was feeling that down that I knew I have to get away. All I wanted was travelling and living surrounded by happy, energetic and inspiring people. I needed this positivity back in my life! Few days later I packed my pink suitcase and flew to London.

I wish I could say the beginning in London was colorful and easy but it was not. I really struggled. With job, with money, with lack of friends. The truth is, i have been feeling so alone and I have made many mistakes trying to fit in somewhere where I did not. I was working 2 crappy jobs. I was surrounded by people I would normally never go out with. But I was alone, I was depressed, homesick but not homesick, I just couldn’t find my place at all. At one point I was feeling that lost that I decided to go on a solo trip back to Kos Island in Greece. When I look at it now, I really think this trip helped me. It helped me to realise what’s important, what makes me happy and what is missing in my life. I was missing doing what I love. I guess many of us have been feeling this way at some point of our lives. And the key is to realise it, move our asses and change it! It took me ages to move mine really. To change the job I hated. I stuck there for way too long! But when I finally found the courtage to quit – that was the beginning of my journey! I am not going to lie it was scary! But now I know it was only my inner fear and lack of confidence. Surprisingly I found a new job very quickly. This is how I became a part of Soho House family. I’ve worked for the company for over 3 years, growing from receptionist to my dream Social Media role while constantly investing money in new travel destinations. At first, I did not know I can earn any money from it, but this was not something I was thinking about then. I was making my travel dreams come true and posting all adventures on my Instagram. One day we woke up in the morning ( after a very inspiring birthday trip to Ibiza!) with a name „theblondeflamingo” ( my Instagram used to be my name and surname when I first started). I thought- OMG it matches perfectly! I always loved these pink birds and considered myself similar with my pink obsession and weird flamingo looking legs! So The Blonde Flamingo- the new exciting beginning!

I remember how excited I was when I reached 3000 followers on my Instagram and I started to get approached by first brands. I remember tears in my eyes when the brand I love – Dancing Leopard messaged me saying they would love to send me a dress for my next trip! I literally couldn’t believe it- as I said I was cluess about how it all works! And here, after few months I was invited to We Are Travel Girls event. I think I was the smallest Influencer invited and I was honoured and overwhelmed. I remember even asking Becky and Vanessa (the Founders) why did I even get invited and they said my photos are so beautiful, colorful and that I have potential. I really needed this kick! Seeing these boss girls travelling the world, living their dream life without any limits helped me to believe in my dream. I am forever grateful ladies!

PS. We keep in touch until today and I’m attending another We Are Travel Girls meet up at the end of this month!

I’ve started to invest more and more. First in Europe escapes, then slowly started to explore other continents. Nothing was making me happier than a new stamp in my passport! I was already living the dream, my dream. I discovered places I though I would never be able to! But now I know- we can do ANYTHING. It’s a lot of sacrifice, hard work and savings but the world is wide open and we can see it at any budget. The word „impossible” doesn’t exist in my dictionary anymore.

I am not going to lie, builing my presence on Social Media wasn’t easy. While my channels were growing I kept loosing „friends”. Some of them used to tell me what I do is stupid or that they could never do what I do- let me tell you a funny thing- now they are wearing same outfits and travelling to same places as I do- greetings👋🏼 I’ve also heard that it worked out because I’m lucky. Some people used to gossip I have a rich boyfriend. Another “friend” would use me to build own Social Media presence. It’s incredible what some people can do to make you feel down or even give up. Well, I didn’t. It wasn’t easy but I had people who believed in me. My mum, boyfriend and real friends were by my side all the time pushing me towards my dreams. This journey definitely showed me what the word “friend” means. It was very painful but I’m grateful as I’ve learnt a great lesson.

This year was the harderst. I’ve been already on Social Media position and this was also when my following started to grow very fast. It was so hard to combine my full time position at work with meeting PRs, attending events, going on press trips, creating content, looking after my accounting, invoices, delivering everything on time. I was so stressed out and tired. You can read more about my struggles here. But I didn’t give up. I continued growing my Social Media career and running my business on the side. I never stopped learning, reading and exchanging the knowledge and experience with others. And here I am now, after one year of working crazy amount of hours and being completely exhausted- in Greece, on the sun bed sharing my story. It’s been around 2 months since I quitted my Social Media job and decided to travel and blog full-time. I have been travelling non stop, creating content for brands while being by the ocean and making a very good salary of out it. That was my biggest fear while quitting my full-time job as I got used to having a double salary for the past year from full time job and a blog income on the top but it’s been working out so far! I think it’s really important to have enough savings and few clients who work with you every month before making this very exciting but still a risky decision. It took me a while to get ready financially as I couldn’t imagine doing this job without having a real home. I love travelling the world but I also love knowing I have my little home in the city of my dreams- London.

I am not sure where this journey will take me from now on, but what I know is- I am living my dream and will continue no matter how hard it will be. Thank you for helping me to get here and supporting me on this journey. I am here now to support you and motivate you on yours. I hope my little story will inspire you to follow your dreams no matter what they say. Don’t try to fit in if you don’t. Write your own story.


The Blonde Flamingo

Luxury Safari with Fairmont Hotels

Those of you who followed me along the way know that my biggest travel dream (apart from meeting flamingos in real life, haha) was a real African Safari. This year, in June it finally happened. When I got invited to go to Kenya with Citizen Femme and Fairmont Hotels for a safari I just couldn’t believe it. I literally cried from happiness. My biggest dream was about to come true!

But let’s start from the beginning… We flew from London directly to Nairobi – the capital of Kenya with Kenya Airways. The flight took 8.5 hours. The great thing about it is that you won’t be jet lagged when travelling from the UK as the time difference is only 2 hours ( Kenya is 2 hours ahead of United Kingdom). From the airport we’ve first headed to beautiful, historic Fairmont the Norfolk located in the heart of Nairobi. What a beautiful property- this is where we’ve started and finished our stay in Kenya. It’s a perfect place to stay because of the location. It’s very peaceful, green, has this magical feeling. They call it a “sophisticated retreat in the city” and I absolutely agree with that! The property has 27 luxurious suites and 143 rooms set around tranquil tropical gardens, a beautiful outdoor pool, gym and spa facilities ( I truly recommend having a relaxing massage after the long flight!) From there we’ve headed To Fairmont Mara Safari Club. We flew there on a small plane Safarilink. I had to leave some luggage behind in the hotel- it’s good to remember that only soft shell luggage of max 15 Kg is allowed on domestic flights. From the moment we’ve boarded I had tears in my eyes watching giraffes from the plane’s little window, but honestly I had no idea WHERE I was heading. It was just the beginning of one of the most incredible adventures of my life! As soon as we landed we were greeted by beautiful sunshine, smiley faces of locals and The Masai Mara tribesmen and their ceremonial dance. I was speechless and full of emotions. Never experienced anything like that before! This place gives you this feeling that is just so hard to describe!

We had our jeep waiting for us and we were off to see the property we were staying at. All we could see on our way was the endless savannah, grassy plaits, rolling hills, blue skies and animals running around. Absolutely insane! Already that day I was thinking, how am I going to explain this feeling to my readers. I was thinking “Oh God, how? How can I even describe it?” I hope my photos will help out a bit!

When we got to the property I’ve fallen in love straight away. Fairmont Mara is surrounded on three sides by the breathtaking Mara River, and on the edge of the world’s Seventh “New” Wonder of the World. Simply breathtaking! Each of us got a beautiful, luxury tent with a beautiful little veranda overlooking the hippo and crocodile-filled river. It was a bit scary at night as the hippos were quite noisy but this experience is something I won’t ever forget. I have never been so close to the nature! Take a peek into my stunning tent! This is what I call travelling in style! PS. The bed was too comfortable- it was not easy to wake up haha!

After a delicious lunch overlooking the Mara River we’ve all headed for a ride. Our first ever Safari! Our goal was to spot the Big 5- lions, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes and elephants. We’re lucky to see 4 of them! What a dream that was! The thing I would never forget is spotting Pumbaa- omg everyone including me was shouting like crazy haha. It felt like a Disney movie set! Driving around savannah in the open jeeps was so much fun and it was so easy to get our dream shots!


We’ve finished this incredible day off with the sunset drinks and canapés prepared by Fairmont Mara team in the middle of nowhere really. It was simply perfect! This sunset I mean…unforgettable! I remember the happiness tears and calling this day the happiest day of my life.

The morning after we’ve had a 5am wake up call. Normally I would not be happy about being awake at this crazy hour, but this time was different! I popped right up, excited as we were going on a sunrise safari. I was served a big cup of coffee with a little cookie right to my tent- oh I will never forget the smell of this Kenyan coffee… Morning was a bit chilly so we were admiring the nature waking up covered in cosy blankets. Sorry I have to repeat myself again- WHAT A DREAM. “Somebody pinch me please” I thought. Herd of zebras, lions, antelopes, giraffes and even ostrich! Simply unreal!

After the beautiful morning drive we’ve headed back to Fairmont Mara for a delicious breakfast. We sat on the terrace overlooking the Mara river. What a perfect way to start the day! Another thing planned for us was visiting the traditional Mara village. It was definitely my favourite experience. We were greeted by the traditional dance and smiley faces of the local kids. Omg I can’t stop smiling when I think of this moment. Everyone was just SO happy. I think this is what I love about Africa the most- how happy, welcoming and full of live the people are! They make you cry and appreciate the life more. They make you realise how small the problems are. But at the same time you feel like you would give your entire heart and entire love and all you have to help. The conditions they live in are really extreme. We were invited to one of the mud huts and seeing how it looks inside was more than scary. It was so dark and tiny, couldn’t have imagined 10 people living there! But this is how it is… What I recorded from this visit was what we were told by the chief of the village- “men don’t have the house until they get married- it’s woman who makes the house. No woman, no house.” I found it beautiful.  Also, all the kids in the village go to school as they get support from tourism. At first I wasn’t sure if I should get photographed with the kids but they were literally posing and hugging us all, honestly the sweetest! This is when I’ve shed a tear again. I’ve fallen in love with each and every single one of them at first sight.

Days in Fairmont Mara passed so quickly, I felt like we should have stayed there longer. As a recommendation I would suggest at least 3 nights at this property to truly experience the beauty of this place. After incredible stay at Fairmont Mara our hearts were full but our adventure wasn’t over yet! From there we flew to another incredible property – Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club located on the line of equator. Realising it was actually crazy! One half of the hotel is north of the equator and the other in the Southern Hemisphere. How crazy is that? That makes this place so special!  On arrival we were invited to an equatorial ceremony which was super fun! I don’t want to get too much into the details here as this is an something you have to experience yourself! Here’s me all excited after the ceremony haha!

After the ceremony we had the most dreamy lunch set up in the Rose garden. During the lunch we’ve found out so much about the property itself. Originally the retreat of movie star and Club founder, William Holden, the Club’s illustrious former members have included Winston Churchill and Bing Crosby.  I literally couldn’t believe this! For a second I thought “Wow! What am I doing here!” It felt like stepping into the African Hollywood! This place was simply gorgeous and the view over Mount Kenya was just breathtaking. I’ve had a beautiful cottage with the cosiest living room area with a fireplace! Perfect for African chilly nights. It was so magical! Take a peek!

I found this place so relaxing. I loved hanging around in the outdoor lobby! Sometimes I was passed by a peacock haha- insane! Also the sofas were so comfy! (OK, not mentioning the strong wifi connection where I was able to upload all Instagram stories for you!) What’s special about this property is also that it has it’s own animal sanctuary where you can feed rescued wild animals. Our stay in Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club was full of activities. My favourite one was an outdoor breakfast in the mountains surrounded by ponies- they were the cutest! I also loved the sunset drinks by the bonfire up the hills. I can’t believe I can’t find any photos from this moment! Guess you need to trust me it was awesome 😉

After incredible 3 days in this place we’ve headed back to Nairobi where we’ve spent our last night at Fairmont the Norfolk. The adventure was still not over! On our way to Nairobi- this time we were travelling by car, we’ve stopped in the little town called Nanyuki where we’ve visited Nanyuki Spinners and Weavers- the community of woman that started back in 1977. The main aim of this community was training poor, windowed and single women living in the surrounding villages of Nanyuki town in the craft of Spinning, Knitting and Weaving with the main objective of making them self reliant. I found these women so beautiful, hard-working and inspiring. This is where you can buy the most beautiful handmade souvenirs! Make sure to leave some space in the luggage ( I certainly did not…I seriously have to start learn how to pack light!) I really wanted to get one of these beautiful carpets. I hope you’ll when you visit this place!

After visiting this place we got caught by a little African rain but it didn’t stop us from visiting another place I was dreaming of- The Giraffe Sanctuary in Nairobi. It’s the only sanctuary in the world within a capital city that enables you to come into very close contact with the world’s tallest yet endangered animal, the giraffe. This experience was absolutely unreal! Ok, the hardest part was taking a photo haha! I fallen in love with this cute guy! I mean how could you say “no” to these eyes, haha?


We’ve ended up our incredible stay in Kenya at Fairmont the Norfolk’s award-winning Tatu restaurant where we’ve had the most delicious dinner, best wine and cocktails- ok, if you’re ever in Kenya you need to try Kenya Cane! It’s sooo good!  Excited to go? You can book your stay here. If you’re interested what to pack for safari you can read my packing guide here. It was honestly so hard to leave this magical place! But I’ve left with my heart full, grateful as never before. I made the memories that will last forever and friends for life! Thank you Citizen Femme, Spotlight Comms and Fairmont for putting such an incredible trip together and having me on board. I’ve had the time of my life! Love you, Mama Africa!




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XOXO, The Blonde Flamingo

5 apps you should get to improve your Instagram profile

Hi guys!

I hope you’re having a fabulous week so far! Today I’d like to share something you’ve been constantly asking me about- how do I edit my photos, what apps do I use to create beautiful designs for Instagram stories and how to create that perfect looking Instagram feed. I hope my tips will help you move your Instagram to a different level!

First of all, as many of you ask- I don’t use presets. I edit each photo separately, sometimes for an hour or two to make sure it’s flamingo perfect, haha! The first main tool I am using to edit my photos is Photoshop. I promise, learning the few basic things is life-changing. I have never thought I could create a magic like that! I was lucky at my previous job to have our incredibly talented Global Head of Social Media showing me how to use it. The way I’ve learnt the basis was watching Sarah editing. Firstly it was very overwhelming and kind of scary as it was so many steps, but after watching the same steps few times it became easier and after practising for months it became doable! I still have a lot to learn but happy with what I already can do! What I would recommend is to watch the YouTube tutorials. It may seem very confusing at first but I promise- give it some time and you’ll get it! You can get Photoshop here

However after editing my photo in Photoshop the actual editing is not over yet! After Photoshop I am moving my image from the computer into my mobile and continue editing using my favourite mobile apps.

Lightroom I am sure you’ve heard about this editing tool already, if not- please get it. It’s free of charge to use on Smartphones and even without knowing Photoshop you can create beautiful edits. I mainly use this app for creating these perfectly coordinated colours. This is where I am trying to bring the blues, yellows, whites and pinks (my dominating colours) on all my photos to the same shades. Sometimes I create 20 versions of the same photo with different colour shades to find that perfect one!


How do I see if the photos look good all together on the feed? Here’s my secret :

UNUM This app helps you to create the perfect looking feed. You can basically put all your edited images into the app and move them around the way everything looks great together. If the colours don’t seem to match that well, I continue editing the colours using Lightroom until it’s all perfectly coordinated. The app is linked to your Instagram account so after adding the photos to it and putting them nicely together, you can also add the captions and hashtags, save them and then be posting the photos directly to your Instagram account. Another great thing about UNUM is also the analytics which show you when your followers are the most active so the app actually tells you when it’s the best day and hour to post and also what’s your best hashtags. If you’re running few Instagram accounts you should also know that you can log in up to 5 accounts to the app- it was saving me at my previous job. I had all the content scheduled for all my brands in one place. I highly recommend it!

Unfold This app is my quite recent and absolutely favourite discovery. This is where I create all the beautiful designs for my Instagram stories. The choice is great and honestly I love playing around with it. You can be editing both- photos and videos. I promise you can do the magic! The app costs few pounds and it’s so worth it. The new features and frames are added very often to make sure you never get bored. You can choose from many beautiful frames, fonts and colours. Here’s few examples :


HypeType another awesome app for improving your Instagram stories. The best feature is adding the music to them. It definitely makes the stories more fun, engaging and it makes people wanna watch them! You can also purchase many original fonts.


Quickshot – this app is insane. I discovered it thanks to Elajza and I am forever grateful. You know this feeling when you look at the sky and it looks just so perfect and blue but after taking the photo it doesn’t look that wow? Or what happens a lot to me as I take most of my photos with iPhone 8 plus- the blue sky in the strong sunlight looks very kind of dark and stormy on the photos. This is when you need Quickshoot. You can “swap” the sky in just few seconds. You can now have your perfect blue skies, magical pinky sunsets and even the stars, haha! Create your own magic!

I hope you’ll find these apps useful and you’ll love them as I do! Let me know!


The Blonde Flamingo