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New homie

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry I was a bit less active on the blog recently but apart from being busy travelling I also had a big change- finally found a dream apartment and I moved in, yay! It hasn’t been easy to find a right one in London! I have been searching for almost 8 months! But I am finally here!

First weeks have not been easy for me, as first of all- the space is big and empty so it felt kind of weird as my previous flat was tiny but super cosy. Also this month I was constantly in and out, so it was more of a hotel than the actual home! I was literally coming here to unpack and pack again. Now, I am finally back and I have slowly started to arrange my dream place. I can’t wait to soon share it with you!

Here’s some of my inspirations :

Image source : Pinterest

Here’s what I already got 

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Here’s my Wishlist

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